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  • markiedoodle

Test shoot at our San Francisco photo studio

A programmable controller was 💯 necessary to create the perfect ricochet effect inside the custom plexiglass cube we made for our @bublywater test shoot at our San Francisco photo studio. First, you have to lift the objects, then get them to bounce unevenly in order to create the chaos within the cube. A calculated pattern was necessary to get the round objects to bounce around the product and create the perfect composition to be filmed / photographed.

So fortunate @dan_simmons will listen to my crazy ideas and jump on board to experiment. Not only is Dan an amazing photographer / director but also an amazing spitballer of ideas and concepts. Fun is #1 priority as joy always brings out the best work in everyone involved. Collaborating doesn’t just mean staying within the confines of your role but inputting your perspective into the mix and allowing that of others as well. Dan fosters that ethos all whilst CAPTURING images / footage.

Lessons learned during this Test:

1. I need to use thicker plexiglass. A high psi is required to get enough height and that takes its toll on the cube. Sh*t gets real once heaver objects & water enter the cube.

2. A second or third access portal is needed to rod the product for stability. It’s like an asteroid battle zone inside.

3. Incorporating exhaust dampers on the piston outputs will allow me to control them variably. Then I’ll really be able to shake things up and create controllable liquid waves within the cube 🌊

Lastly - Water Balloons are my favorite so far...

Special thanks to @amber.hakim & @astyledmango for the assist

Super Duper Bouncing ball THANK YOU to @littlegiantlightingsf

Photo shoot @ StoodilyDoodley San Francisco Photo Studio with bouncy balls
Photo shoot @ StoodilyDoodley San Francisco Photo Studio with bouncing balloons
Test shoot here at the Photo Studio located in South San Francisco playing with vibrations..


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